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Breakfast with Ottolenghi

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When surveyed, our students and parents say Scopus is a happy school.


If Mount Scopus College has been part of your life, you may wish to continue helping all our families to have access to a world class Jewish and secular education.

All Bequests, unless specifically indicated, will go towards building our Foundation’s Future Fund.

You can read more about it below. A gift included in your estate, whether a percentage of your assets, a fixed sum, or a specific item such as a work of art, will have an enormous impact on our school community, and give you the opportunity to create your family legacy.

Bequests would normally be considered unrestricted. Bequests to the Mount Scopus College Foundation, however, can be directed to a particular program or project at the College.

Become a Foundation Member

To chat about becoming a Foundation Member please call our office