In the early 1980s, Agnes and Joel Freeman started looking for a school for their young son. Not only was the Kew campus of Scopus conveniently a few hundred metres from their home, but they felt it was also the best Jewish and secular education available for their three children. The teaching of Jewish traditions closely aligned with the Freemans and after Jeremy’s enrolment into kinder, their daughters Larissa and Vanessa soon followed.
Agnes joined the School board, and was actively involved in efforts to sustain the Kew campus.She devoted countless hours to the College including establishing and growing the annual fashion parade into a major event, participating on the Ulpan sub-committee for many years, overseeing the relaunch of the school uniform and was Ball President in 2000. Agnes was appointed a Life Governor of the College in recognition of her dedication.
After graduating, their three children all partnered old collegians of the College keeping the connection to Scopus strong. Now as grandparents, Agnes and Joel take great pleasure watching the next generation of their family enjoy the same values given to their own children. As Joel comments “we are proud and delighted that our 6 grandchildren are (or soon will be) Scopus students. In particular the sense of Jewish continuity and education is of vital importance to us.”
Earlier this year, the Freemans joined the Foundation, because they “felt it was the right time and we are lucky enough to be in a position to do so. It also sets an example within our family for future generations.”