David Moses was born in Carlton and began as a pupil at Mount Scopus in its earliest days at Caulfield synagogue and then St Kilda Road, transferring to the brand new Burwood campus in 1955, and graduating in 1962.
He remembers great times including being taught in a temporary block in Secondary while new buildings were going up around him, and the particular fun (for the students) where Burwood Highway made a deep dip (near modern day Deakin) and the school bus was unable to pass over an overflowing Gardiner’s Creek, necessitating that everyone got out and walked the rest of the way!
Upon meeting Helen at the dances sponsored by ’Club 97’ and beginning to raise a family, there was no discussion. Their children were educated at Mount Scopus and now three grandchildren have continued the family tradition.
For this family, as for so many of us, the College has enabled them to forge lifetime friendships. David commented that “Mount Scopus Memorial College is in my blood; it is part of my DNA; it will always be close to my heart.”
Helen and David joined the Foundation in 2014 and this year became Benefactors. When David addressed the Grandparents and Special Friends Day last year he asked us “to reflect on the incredible & miraculous growth of the College – this is of course by no small means due to incredible efforts in terms of time & particularly financial support & bequests from many notable individuals, families & institutions- all of whom have had the foresight to appreciate the need & benefit of nurturing our present & future generations to achieve excellence in academic studies to provide a pathway to their future as well as implanting a strong sense of Yiddishkeit, love for Medinat Yisrael, valued citizens of this wonderful country & moral community awareness & responsibility.”