Planning your estate is about looking after the people you care about. If Mount Scopus College has been part of your life, you may wish to continue helping all our families to have access to a world class Jewish and secular education.
All Bequests, unless specifically indicated, will go towards building our Foundation’s Endowment Fund.
You can read more about it below. A gift included in your estate, whether a percentage of your assets, a fixed sum, or a specific item such as a work of art, will have an enormous impact on our school community, and give you the opportunity to create your family legacy.
Bequests would normally be considered unrestricted. Bequests to the Mount Scopus Foundation, however, can be directed to a particular program or project at the College.
We Honour their Memory
- Harry Betan in memory of the Family Betansky in London
- Anna Brown
- Marta Fischer
- John Fox
- Harriet Gordon
- Sister Joyce Hehir; Trustee Jack Goldberg
- Mendel Herszfeld
- Helene and Paul Kohn
- Helen and Richard Kohn
- Hilda and Izrael Kozlowski
- Hirsh Light
- Sonia and Don Marejn
- Hanna Moszkowska
- Sylvia Gelman
- Julia Feitel Pearl
- Geoffrey Rosanove
- Rose Rosanove
- Alwyn Ruta Samuel
- Herta and Roman Scherer
- Lola Silberthau
- Elizabeth and Nicolas Slezak
- Aaron Arthur Smith
- Oscar Sokolski
- Aileen Rita and Walter Stern
- Herbert Tisher
- Ludwik Weisz
- Vica and Mitia Yavitch
Preferred language for Bequests
Mount Scopus Foundation
“I give devise and bequeath free of all duties whatsoever absolutely and beneficially _______ percentage (_____ %) of my real and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever situate [or, the sum of _______________ dollars ($ _______________ )] free of all debts (secured and unsecured) to the Mount Scopus College Foundation Limited in its capacity as Trustee of the Mount Scopus College Foundation of 245 Burwood Highway, Burwood in the State of Victoria and I direct that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer Secretary or other proper Officer for the time being of the said Mount Scopus College Foundation shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my Trustees therefor.”
Our Endowment Fund
Affordability of Jewish education remains one of the greatest challenges facing our community today.
The Scopus Foundation has established an Endowment Fund to ensure the long-term sustainability and accessibility of Jewish education by bringing down the cost of education for all.
To date the Endowment Fund has funds in excess of $7million.
With your support, our vision is to build this Fund over time, to create an income stream to reduce school fees in perpetuity, making a Scopus education more accessible for all our families.
It is our policy to put 10% of Foundation funds and 100% of all bequests to grow this Future Fund.
If you would like to join us in this vision, please make contact with us through the Foundation office, by calling (03) 9834 0065 or email us at
Foundation investment Committee:
- David Gold
- Sam Alter
- Stewart Baron
- Ruth Picker AM
If you would like to read more about making a Bequest, our online brochure can be found here.